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This page is dedicated to band members wishing to advance their musicianship. Below are videos, articles and useful websites to motivate and inspire students to help them reach their musical goals.

Teaching Concert Etiquette

One of the most frustrating experiences a music teacher or director can have is a concert audience that is disrespectful.

Why Effective Practice Is Just As Important As the Hours of Practice

Practice is an important part of becoming skilled at anything, which may be why there are so many axiom’s like “practice makes perfect” floating around common parlance. But what’s happening in the brain when we practice?

My 11-year-old son auditioned at Juilliard

We both learned a lot about how top performers practice

One Thing That Improved Student Performance in Band

Well, Really 64 Things

Wynton Marsalis Gives 12 Tips on How to Practice

For Musicians, Athletes, or Anyone Who Wants to Learn Something New

What Do Great Musicians Have in Common?

New study shows it’s a myth that a lot of practice will necessarily bring greatness

The Benefits of Music Education

More Than Just Music

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