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The following are many of the questions people ask about the Broncho Band Program. If you have a question that is not on this list, please call or email the band hall at (432) 456-2026
When does the OHS Broncho Band start practicing?The Broncho Band generally starts summer band camp during the last week of July or the first week of August. The Color Guard and percussion start one week before. There is usually a parent meeting during the first week of Summer Band.
What is Summer Band CampSummer Band Camp typically starts at the end of July or the beginning of August and is required for all participants in marching band. Color Guard and Percussion begin one week earlier. During this camp, students meet daily according to a set schedule and learn to integrate the music into the new school year’s marching program. Students also form friendships and a sense of unity and cooperation during this time, creating a foundation for the polished, finished performance. Please plan carefully around summer band camp and avoid any family travel, dentist and doctor appointments during this time. Also, remember that the marching field is a classroom! You are welcome as a spectator at any time, but please do not come to the field expecting to talk to your child (unless it is an extreme emergency). MANDATORY ITEMS Sneakers Tips: No Vans, canvas loafers, or Keds. Get a well-made shoe with good support, but don’t waste money on the latest styles– kids wears holes in band camp shoes every year. Don’t send them to camp in their new school shoes. The Nikes with a few scuffs from last year will do. Colored athletic shorts Flip folder found at any music store. Buy at least 20 additional clear page sleeves. Sidewalk Chalk Tips: The chalk is used to create marks (in the theatrical sense of the word) on the concrete. Chunky sizes last longer on blacktop. Water Jug (this will be provided to every new band member): Everyone will have their name on their OHS water jug. Please make sure you pick up the jug that belongs to you each time because they all look the same. Make bigger ice cubes using small plastic containers (butter tubs, etc.); put just one or two in the jug before practice and the water will stay cold longer. WHAT to BRING to EVERY PRACTICE Instrument (Spare reeds, etc. in case) Flip folder Sneakers with socks Athletic shorts Light colored shirt Water jug with ice water Pencil, drill coordinate card and chalk: You don’t need these for the first day, but will need them once places for the show have been assigned. You’ll receive more information at that time about where to get the dot book and how to use it. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED ITEMS Cap or visor Sunglasses Sunscreen Lip protection
How many hours do marching band students practice during the school week?The Broncho Band is bound by the University Interscholastic League’s (UIL) 8-hour rule. The Marching Band will practice during the following times. Monday 6pm - 9pm Wednesday 7am - 8:15am Thursday 6pm - 9pm Friday - Game Day Rehearsal 7am - 8:15am Please make arrangements to be dropped off at the school by 6:50am so that you can be at the field on time. Monday and Thursday night rehearsals are mandatory for all members of the band program. Make sure you visit with the directors about all conflicts with these times. It is the responsibility of the students to come prepared to each and every rehearsal.
What is the schedule for football games at Ratliff Stadium?7:00am - Rehearsal on Coleman Field 8:30am - Pep Rally in Field House 9:15am - Report to 1st period class 3:00pm - Eat Dinner 4:00pm - Rehearsal on Coleman Field 4:45pm - Change into uniforms 5:30pm - Inspection & material check 5:45pm - Load buses and depart for Ratliff 10:30pm - Approximate arrival time at OHS Games generally finish around 9:45pm. We will load buses and return as quickly as we are able, but this time is not set in stone. We respect your student’s time on a daily basis. We kindly ask that you please resect our time by picking up your son or daughter as soon as we arrive back at OHS.
What is CHARMS and how do I access it?Charms Office Assistant is a web-based management system for the Broncho Band. You can access your student’s financial records, important handouts, and more. It is important that your personal information and email address are correct on Charms as you will receive many emails throughout the year from the Directors and Boosters via Charms. To access Charms go to Click Parent/Student/Members Tab Enter school code: ohsband Click Enter Parent Area The first time you login the password will be the student's ID number
What is the Broncho Band Boosters and how do they support the Broncho Band?The Boosters are a parent organization that exists to support the Band, provide volunteers for various functions and other logistical needs, and raise funds to help offset some of the costs incurred by the Band. The Boosters operate under a budget separate from ECISD, and provide support and funding for things such as trailers and trailer maintenance. The Booster Club is always looking for parent volunteers to ride the buses, monitor the stands at football games, marching contest, feed the kids before a game, and various events and activities throughout the year…and the list goes on! If it needs to be done… we need volunteers! It is hard work, but it is very rewarding and fun! As a booster organization, we need YOU! We need your input, skill, ability and talent! We are the support for the OHS Band! We would like to extend this invitation for you to come and join, and be a part of the OHS Band Booster Club. The Band Booster Club operates many fundraisers throughout the year that will generate profits to be applied directly towards your student’s personal band expenses. This will allow families to accumulate monies to pay for band fees, trips and supplies. Students are encouraged to participate in all fundraisers hosted by the band. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact one of our board members to assist you.
What are the rules for band members during football games?Have all of the proper equipment. (INCLUDING YOUR FLIP FOLDERS!) No gum, candy or food. Everything that you need will be provided. Stay in full uniform at all times. Everything must be buttoned/ fastened/zipped before you get off of the bus at the stadium. You may only change in the dressing rooms at Odessa High School. All instruments are to be loaded on the buses in their cases. NO EXCEPTIONS! Be on time to inspection - IN YOUR SPOT when called to attention! Always remain in your section while in the stands at the stadium. Remember that the OHS Band has the reputation for being one of the best in the STATE! Always be on your best behavior. Trip changes for football games must be signed by a principal and turned in by the Thursday before the game/performance. Nothing goes outside the bus windows: no hands, heads, feet, flags, clothing or trash. Do not sit on band hat boxes or on the back of the bus seats. Jewelry is NOT allowed, except for senior rings. Cooperate with the bus drivers and chaperones at all times. Any student in violation of any of the above rules or any school rules will serve report duty after the football game immediately upon our return to OHS. NO EXCEPTIONS! All rules in the ECISD Student Code of Conduct will be enforced at all times while involved with the band at performances, rehearsals, trips, etc. Punishment for breaking school rules will result in penalties from the OHS Administration as well as from the Band Staff.
What uniform do band members wear during the concert season?Girls The girls in the Honor band will wear a black dress provided by the school. Girls in the Symphonic, Concert and Freshman Band will wear the marching band uniform. These girls will wear their black marching band shoes and long black socks. Honor band girls will need to provide dark hose and dress shoes. Boys The boys in Honor Band and Orchestra will wear a black tux provided by the school. The boys in the Symphonic, Concert and Freshman Band will wear the marching band uniform. All men will wear their black marching band shoes and long black socks.
What are private lessons?Private music lessons are offered as a supplement to classroom instruction. The lessons are designated to use materials and one-on-one instruction to help improve the individual students level of proficiency rather than to rehearse music that the student will be performing in his or her own school organization. Participation in the private lesson program is optional and the student will not be penalized in their class activities for not participating in the program. All students will have the opportunity to take part in the private lesson program. Responsibility of the Student Be fully prepared for each lesson. Follow the guidelines pertaining to absenteeism. Supply method books as required by the instructor. Participate in all activities required as a condition of private study, ie. All-Region Band and Solo and Ensemble Contest. Lesson location and scheduling​ Lessons during the day will be taught in the school attended by the student. Lessons will be scheduled during the student’s band or orchestra class, lunch hour, or before or after school. No lessons will be scheduled during other classes. It will be the student’s responsibility to notify the private instructor at least 24 hours in advance if a lesson is to be missed. Every effort will be made to make-up lessons for excused absences. The same courtesy applies to the instructor if he or she has to miss. The private instructor is not aware of every activity scheduled in each school that might interrupt a lesson sequence. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the student to give adequate notification if he/she must miss a lesson due to concerts, programs, pep rallies or other school functions. Make-up lessons must be done within 30 days of the missed lesson. If the lesson missed was unexcused, the teacher will be paid for the lesson regardless. If the lesson missed was excused and there is not a make-up, then no payment will be made and the student will be given a credit. Parents of students who participate in the private lesson program will be responsible for paying for each month’s lessons in advance. Cost of each lesson is $20.00. Payment will be made to the private teacher directly. In the event of financial hardship, the student or parent should contact the band director for information about scholarships. Those students who receive scholarships MUST participate in the TMEA All-Region tryout process and in UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest. All scholarship recipients are STRONGLY encouraged to participate in the different fundraising activities that are done by the Booster Club to pay for these scholarships. Enrollment is on a strictly voluntary basis. Undue pressure will not be put on the students by the directors to participate.
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